
Golden Oldies Songs of 60s with Lyrics.

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#retro #memories #60s
Golden Oldies Songs of 60's with Lyrics. Oldies But Goodies.

The Cascades/ Scott McKenzie/ Percy Sledge/ The Temptations/ Paul & Paula/ The Mamas & The Papas/ Otis Redding/ The Righteous Brothers/ Bobby Vinton/ The Byrds

00:00 Introduction
00:10 Track01
02:43 Track02
05:41 Track03
08:33 Track04
11:28 Track05
13:57 Track06
16:40 Track07
19:22 Track08
22:57 Track09
25:39 Track10

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All advertising revenue will be distributed to the music rights holders. (Ads are automatically attached).

Created with AI video editing software, Vrew.

I don't own anything, No copyright intended
(C) All rights reserved to the artist and their production company.

※The music year mentioned in each video is for your reference only. I appreciate your understanding.
