
Anyone listening in 2025? 🤎





Was born in 1963 and miss the golden old days with my brothers ans sis.


I am 85 and still know the words of the oldies what a fabulous world we lived .




81yrs old & lived in the best of times & the greatest music!


We were young and strong and we would be that way forever. The sun was warm and we loved life and each other. I thought it would never end. So wonderful to listen, close my eyes and go back there. 72 next month.




85 and still get my heart beating and often crying from the fun I had in my yester years listening to this music....


I was 19 years old 1963 now I’m 78 and still haven’t forgotten my youth life full of memories ❤


I was born in 1952. I Remember, listening to these great songs on my transistor radio. The simple times, and the best of times I will never forget.


I was born in 1949, I am so blessed to have experienced  the 1950s,  1960s the cars the music, 1970s and 1980s the best years to be alive and living in America! I feel sad that today's teens will never experience the true freedom and the American dream. It has always been what you make it!


Who is listening April 2024?🎉❤😊


I only listen to music from 1950; to 1979 . It's standing the test of time .


I miss those days so much.  Life was simpler in those days. Everything was new to me. And innocence ruled.


Awwwww I love reading these comments from the older folks.❤❤❤❤




I will be 71 this Friday. I love hearing the music from my youth. ❤


To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life.


I am only 52 years old but these are my favorite music eversince are from 50s 60s and 70s. I was influenced by my dad as he always played these kind of music since I was young in phonograph record and also in AM station every Sunday playing oldies but goodies music. Way back in Cebu, Philippines