Doctors Share Their Best Med School Advice
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Jake Goodman - Psychiatry - @JakeGoodmanMD
Jack Turban - Psychiatry - https://www.instagram.com/jack_turban...
Brian Boxer Wachler - Ophthamologist/Eye Surgeon - @DrBoxerWachler
Ben Schmidt - GI - @Doc_Schmidt
Rena Malik - Urologist - @RenaMalikMD
Will Flanary - Opthalmologist - @DGlaucomflecken
Siobhan Deshauer - Internist and Rheumatologist - @ViolinMD
Gary Linkov - Facial Plastic Surgeon - @drgarylinkov
Antonio Webb - Orthopedic Surgeon - @antoniowebbmd
Anthony Youn - Plastic Surgery - @DoctorYoun
Danielle Belardo - Cardiologist - / daniellebelardomd
Austin Chiang - GI - @AustinChiangMD
Dr. Mauicio Gonzalez - Internist, Emergency, and Obesity Medicine - @DoctorMauInforma
Sanjay Juneja - Oncology - : / theoncdoc
Alok Patel - Pediatric: / alokpatelmd
Mike Natter - Endocrinology: https://www.instagram.com/mike.natter...
Dhaval Bhanusali - Dermatology - https://www.instagram.com/challenge/?...
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Contact Email: DoctorMikeMedia@Gmail.com
Executive Producer: Doctor Mike
Production Director and Editor: Dan Owens
Managing Editor and Producer: Sam Bowers
Editor and Designer: Caroline Weigum
Editor: Juan Carlos Zuniga
Select photos/videos provided by Getty Images *
** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **