My mentor used to say "You can train a monkey to operate. As a surgeon you need to know when and why". RIP Dr. L
What really helped prepare me during my 1st year of med school was when a 2nd year student told me "no matter if you invest every minute possible studying, you'll always feel as if you're behind". It was reassuring to know that I was not alone in feeling this particular way - and I still feel behind, but hard work has not yet let me down ❤
0:00 - Family medicine 0:10 - Rheumatology 1:00 - Psychiatry 1:40 - Facial plastic surgery 2:15 - Child & adolescent psychiatry 2:40 - Pediatry 3:10 - Plastic surgery 3:50 - Endocrinology 4:15 - Urology & pelvic surgery 4:50 - Gastroenterology 1 5:25 - Ophthalmology 1 6:05 - Cardiology 6:45 - Spine surgery 7:05 - Obesity medicine 7:35 - Dermatology 7:50 - Hematology & oncology 8:35 - Ophthalmology 2 8:50 - Gastroenterology 2 9:40 - Conclusion
It’s crazy how nobody is talking about Rethinking Health Secrets! This book made me question so much when it comes to health, it has some serious knowledge
I love how DR Mike manages to make a compilation of all these doctors with different opinions and advices. So informative!
I love that phrase of the last doctor "to make sure our people are healthy". not "out patient", but "out people". love it
As someone who is currently in a doctorate program for physical therapy, I really resonated with the physicians who talked about looking at the patient as a whole. With the amount of knowledge we receive, it’s easy to get lost in the sauce when we’re learning about diagnoses and interventions. But it always comes down to the patient’s needs, goals, current status etc. Everyone will present diseases differently!! Don’t forget to take a step back to look at the big picture ✨
Exactly. A true sign of intelligence is being able to take a complex concept and being able to simplify it enough to explain it, teach it. 0:11
I’d never heard of Dr. Mike before he popped up in my feed a week ago, but it’s clear why he has over 13 million subscribers. Great content.
When I was a student in automotive engineering, my professor who's had extensive industry experience said, "If you're not 100% sure of your answer, please keep your mouth shut." Might've been a tough response to some show-offers in class, but boo-boos in engineering can really lead to calamity (and have in history) so it's something I hold close to heart. We don't treat humans directly like doctors, but what we do can mean life or death.
Dr. Mike, I don't subscribe often, but your advice hit home. "If you can't teach it, then you don't know it". I felt that. 💯 Subscribed!
My favorite was, “encourage peers to disagree.” In our clinic, there are always 3 or more providers in the room. It’s very collaborative. We don’t always agree, and sometimes, providers are actually offering opposing recommendations. By talking these out, it helps me understand more about why I asked—what I didn’t know.
Three things that changed my life: 1. started watching health videos 2. I read Health Secrets Industry Hides by Heather Collins 3. I stopped eating excess sugar
Hey Dr.Mike! I've been watching your channel when i was in 10th grade, and my Childhood dream was to be a doctor and i finally got into Medical school last month! This video was a NEED for me!! Love you and thanks because you have been one if my biggest inspiration ❤
It’s so wonderful to see this generation of physicians have these positions. Sometimes the older ones get stuck in their ruts. Humility should drive medicine
A doctor that can say “I don’t know” when they don’t know something, will always be a doctor I trust!!!!!!!!
Great advice! I’m not in the medical field but I am easily prone to being a workaholic as a defense mechanism for my anxiety so I’m grateful to my company for enforcing a work life balance and access to mental health care, so important, life’s too short!
Doctor mike is the best youtuber educating and entertaining
This video was so well done, as a non med student (law&criminology student) a lot of this advice is transferable and it is so informative. I also suffer with Keratoconus, I feel incredibly lucky and thankful for this video especially as I had never heard of Dr.Wachler before and its allowed me to find out more about the disease I have. Thank you