Silver & Turquoise Ring Without A Lathe - #ringmaking #jewelrymaking #shorts

Check out the full video here    • How to make a silver and turquoise in...  
Ring Sizer & Measurement:
Finger Ring Sizer (Very accurate sizes) - bit.ly/RingFingerSizer
Herded Steel Mandrel (Very accurate sizes) - bit.ly/GoldRingMandrel
Finger Ring Sizer (Cheaper but not always accurate) - amzn.to/3ETcF0e
Herded Steel Mandrel (Cheaper but not always accurate) - amzn.to/39CXvOz
Digital Caliper - amzn.to/3AM8EZ1

Sawing Tools:
Nano Saw Blades - bit.ly/NANOSawBlades
Cut Lube - bit.ly/PepeLubeLubricant
5in German Style Saw Frame - amzn.to/3uf3v9p
4.25in GreenLion Saw Frame - amzn.to/3EU9YeR
5in Haymaker SawFramebit.ly/HaymakerSawFrame
5in Knew Concepts Saw Frame - amzn.to/2XUwxQf
Wood Only Bench Pin - amzn.to/2Y6k4su
Bench Pin with Anvil - amzn.to/3obXRnE
Bench Anvil Basic Combo Kit - amzn.to/2Y1Fgjw

Rolling Mills
Pepetools - bit.ly/pepetools130
Amazon Pepetools - amzn.to/30SC6eY
Amazon Economy: - amzn.to/37p8ubv

Cheap File Set - amzn.to/3zIxurI
Very Nice Half Round File - amzn.to/3m4xFIQ
Needle File Set - amzn.to/3ETCoFZ

Hammers & Mallets:
Rawhide Mallet - amzn.to/3kGm6Iv
Chasing Hammer - amzn.to/3m053jV
Hammer & Mallet Set - amzn.to/2XOWuAi

7-Piece Jewelers Pliers Set - amzn.to/3kGX3oA
Smooth Brass Jaw Parallel Pliers - amzn.to/2WeaHWS
Chain Nose Parallel Plier Stainless Steel - amzn.to/3zGR0Vd

Soldering Setup:
Third Hand Base & Tweezer Set - amzn.to/2Wffs2x
Soldering Tripod - amzn.to/3CNu20H
Heavy Gauge Screen For Soldering Tripod - amzn.to/3ANdKEt
Handy Flux Paste - amzn.to/3zNs6Dw
Charcoal Block - amzn.to/3ucFCj3
Honeycomb Ceramic Soldering Board - amzn.to/2WdveL9
Smoke/Fume Absorber - amzn.to/3lVGuom
Electric Slow Cooker Ceramic Pot - amzn.to/3mixOsz
Copper Pickling Curved Tip Tongs - amzn.to/2WfV955
Sparex Granular Dry Pickling Compound (Acid) - amzn.to/2XZCKtW
24 Paint Brush Set - amzn.to/39KavBG
Basic Soldering Starter Kit - amzn.to/3lYGJ21
Tweezers Set - amzn.to/3zJ8Gjc
Titanium Tweezers - amzn.to/2XSdjdj

Torches & Ignitors:
Automatic Torch Igniter - bit.ly/AutomaticTorchIgniter
Cheaper Automatic Torch Lighter - amzn.to/2ZATXKQ
Hand Torch Lighter - amzn.to/3CIXKUs
Butane Torch - amzn.to/3ob8bMw
Propane Torch End With Starter - amzn.to/2XUNt9i
Standard Propane Fuel Cylinder - amzn.to/3obvJRI
Mapp/PRO Gas Torch End With Starter - amzn.to/3CMAJ38
MAPP Gas Cylinders - amzn.to/3CMAJ38
Basic Smith Little Torch All-Fuels System with Five Tips - bit.ly/SmithLittleTorch5tips
Amazon Smith Little Torch - amzn.to/3ET2TeK
Smith Equipment Mag Stand - amzn.to/2Y1LqAa
Full Smith Acetylene Oxygen Setup - amzn.to/2XWBHLA
Solid Titanium Solder Pick (My Favorite Solder Pick) - bit.ly/ErgoLastTitaniumSolderPick

Bulk Silver Solder in 1oz sheets - bit.ly/SilverSolderSheet1oz
Extra Easy Solder - amzn.to/3zIEyVg
Easy Silver Solder - amzn.to/3COruiZ
Medium Silver Solder - amzn.to/3kGroDR
Hard Silver Solder - amzn.to/3kPxhPj
Extra Hard Silver Solder - amzn.to/3CRzYWn
Easy, Med & Hard Solder Set - amzn.to/2XWCmg2

Sand Paper & Rotary bits:
Wet Dry Waterproof Sand Paper 120 to 5000 Grit - amzn.to/3lYKbK1
Rotary Bristle Disc Kit 80 120 220 400 600 1000 Grit - amzn.to/3kGsEH5
Silicone Rubber Polishing Wheels - amzn.to/2ZtvyGR

Polishing Discs & Compound:
Yellow Polishing Buffing Wheel Buffs - amzn.to/3AJoX92
Fabulustre Polishing Compound - amzn.to/3ufdM5t
Silicone Finger Protectors - amzn.to/3EVihXV
Wool Felt Polishing Wheel - amzn.to/3ET5yFg
Polishing Machine - bit.ly/SingleSpindlePolishingMachine

If you are looking for some quality CA glue check out the stuff made by StarBond. Use code "GomeowCrations15" at checkout to save 15% on your order and free shipping. bit.ly/StarBond

If you are looking for more tools and materials that I use, well you're in luck! I made a page on my website just for that and I'm updating all the time so bookmark it to stay up to date:

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#shorts #jewellerymaking #jewelrymaking #goldmaking #silversmithing #diy #gomeowcreations #ringmaking #inlayring
