Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't
Volcanic Rosettes and Pumice Mountains: Andean Condors Part 2 (Chile)

In this video - a follow-up to the previous episode featuring Andean Condors and Mountains of Antuco, Chile - we see how the high dry cold elevations of the Andes mountains of Southern Chile affect the plant life, producing evolutionary forms such as leaf hairs and short squat rosettes of leaves.

Plants featured in this episode include :
Azorella prolifera. Apiaceae
Pozoa volcanica, Apiaceae
Diplolepis, Apocynacea
Chaetanthera villosa Asteraceae
Leucheria sp. Asteraceae
Mutisia oligodon, Asteraceae
Senecio filaginoides, Asteraceae
Blechnum microphyllum, Blechnaceae
Phacelia secunda, Boraginaceae
Maihuenia poeppigii, Cactaceae
Ephedra chilensis, Ephedraceae
Euphorbia collina, Euphorbiaceae
Adesmia sp. Fabaceae
Adesmia boronioides, Fabaceae
Cytisus striatus, Fabaceae
Balbisia gracilis, Francoaceae
Hydrangea serratifolia, Hydrangeaceae
Sisyrinchium, Iridaceae
Montiopsis sp., Montiaceae
Oenothera stricta, Onagraceae
Erythranthe, Phrymaceae
Ourisia microphylla, Plantaginaceae
Chusquea sp., Poaceae
Cortaderia sp., Poaceae
Pappostipa speciosa, Poaceae
Lysimachia amoena, Primulaceae
Orites myrtoideus, Proteaceae
Cheilanthes glauca, Pteridaceae
Discaria chacaye, Rhamnaceae
Acaena sp., Rosaceae
Margyricarpus pinnatus, Rosaceae
Rosa rubiginosa, Rosaceae
Nierembergia sp. , Solanaceae
Diostea juncea, Verbenaceae
Viola farkasiana, Violaceae

Your contributions support this content. It sounds cliché but it's true. Whether it's travel expenses, vehicle repair, or medical costs for urushiol poisoning (or rockfalls, bee-stings, hand slices, toxic sap, etc), your financial support allows this content to continue so the beauty of Earth's flora can be made accessible to the public, accompanied by a small dose of profanity and crude humor. At a time when so much is disappearing beneath the human footprint, CPBBD is willing to do whatever it takes to document these plant species and the ecological communities they are a part of before they're gone for good.

Plants make people feel good. Plants quell homicidal (and suicidal!) thoughts. To support Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't, consider donating a few bucks to the venmo account "societyishell" or the PayPal account email crimepaysbutbotanydoesnt@gmail.com...

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Plants ID questions or reading list suggestions can be sent to crimepaysbutbotanydoesnt@gmail.com

Thanks, GFY.
