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The world's oceans are so underexplored that if you dive deeper than 3,500 meters, there's a good chance to discover a new species unknown to science. There's also a good chance you'll find debris and garbage. Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface. The average depth of the oceans is about 3.7 kilometers, and since light can only penetrate to a depth of 100 meters, darkness reigns deeper underwater. Let’s push this statement one step further and conclude that since most of the planet is covered by water, it means that most of the Earth exists in total darkness. Water in the oceans account for almost 96% of the Earth's water. The portion of fresh water compared to seawater is so small that if the fresh water that flows into the ocean is spread over the surface of the ocean, it would have been about 1.25 meters thick. According to the U.S. Journal of Science and Engineering, 94% of all life on Earth lives in water. It means that all of us who live on land belong to a very, very small minority.
So what mysteries lurk in the depths of the oceans? The deeper we go, the more curious it gets. It seems we know more about the surface of Mars than about the ocean floor of our planet. What's going on in the deepest places, we didn't know at all, at least until recently. Lack of light and extreme pressure makes this part of the ocean difficult to explore.
Today we're going on a journey into the very depths. We're going to find out what the bottom of the ocean looks like, what it consists of and what happens there. Who knows what we will find there… We are going to dive deep to the places with most elien conditions!
What was found in the deepest places of the ocean?
#marianatrench #ocean #reyouniverse
