Thundera (Thundercats Planet) Explored - Societal Structure, Creatures, Fauna, It's History & More!
The eighties and nineties kids have grown up believing that the ThunderCats have always been the good guys, but that’s not entirely true. There was a time when the royal family of Thundera treated others as what can be best described as second class citizens. But I’ll talk about that later in the video. Now, Thundera, the home to the ThunderCats has several different versions, depending on the cartoon. It has at least 14 different known locations, each more interesting than the last, and in this video, we will explore everything there is to explore about Thundera. You’d be surprised by how much there is to learn. But before I begin, please consider hitting those like and subscribe buttons, those two small clicks from you will help us tremendously in bringing you these marvelous videos. And now, let’s begin.
#ThunderCats #Thundera #80sCartoons #LionO #Panthro #Cartoons #Animation #SciFi #Fantasy