
New Cryptography in the Age of Quantum Computers│Skip Sanzeri (QuSecure, Co-founder & COO)

492 27________

To minimize the threat of quantum computing, the United States is establishing a standard for post-quantum cryptography (PQC) and is promoting a policy to convert existing cryptographic systems to PQC by 2033. Advanced countries such as France have also announced PQC conversion strategies and plans tailored to their own conditions, and the Korean government announced a PQC conversion master plan in July of this year. These countries are focusing on building a secure cryptographic system for quantum computers at the government level.

In this session, Dr. Dustin Moody, who leads post-quantum cryptography research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), will talk about the U.S.'s next-generation crypto policy, including the establishment of standard cryptographic algorithms and the promotion of the Migration to PQC project.

Skip Sanzeri, Founder & COO of QuSecure, will discuss global standardization plans for post-quantum cryptography in developed countries, policy directions to be considered when transitioning to PQC, and the impact of post-quantum cryptographic systems on the industry and development plans. #quantumcomputer #cybersecurity #cryptography

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