
The BEST Slapchop Paint You Haven’t Heard Of (To Level Up Your Miniature Painting)

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This week, we are talking about Cuttlefish Colors from Creature Caster and how they totally change the game for slapchop! Cuttlefish colors are translucent paints that can slowly build opacity and vibrancy! Slapchop has always felt a little too basic for me, so this paint allows me to add highlights and shadows and increase saturation to the point that I actually ENJOY using this technique!

Cuttlefish Colors: us.creaturecaster.com/pages/cuttlefish-colors-pain…
General Amazon Affiliate Link: amzn.to/406DUPD
Gear (Some of these may be affiliate links):
Iwata HP-CS: amzn.to/3FC4YLq
Infinity Harder Steenbeck 2 in 1: amzn.to/3mKIxQ2
Red Grass Games Everlasting Wet Palette: bit.ly/2V8eTUi
Pro Acryl Paint: monumenthobbies.com/
Vallejo: amzn.to/3BJU2MR
Kimera: scale75usa.com/collections/ki...
Winsor Newton Series 7 Watercolor Brush - Round #1: amzn.to/2n2pQIU
Hobby Holder: gameenvy.net/
Badger Air-Brush Stynylrez Gray Primer: amzn.to/2kgs0DM
Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver amzn.to/2ljRIaL
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Lyla Mev The Mini Witch creates beginner miniature painting tutorials and easy-to-understand guides for Warhammer, dungeons & dragons, and more. My favorite things to paint are sisters of battle, display quality miniatures, and focusing on having fun.

00:00 Intro
00:47 Classic Slapchop
1:59 Introducing Cuttlefish Colors
3:57 Let's Paint!
10:42 The Reveal
