
Easy Jazz Improvisation Exercise. Bebop Lines 7-Steps Jazz Piano Tutorial

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In today’s video, we’re diving deep into Bebop Line No. 3 from the Bebop Lines You Should Know book. This line combines iconic Kenny Barron licks, and I'll show you how to break them down and incorporate them into your own solos.

We’ll focus on targeting key notes in a 2-5-1 progression, explore tritone modulations, and expand your soloing with creative enclosures and tails.

Members can download today’s PDF, and if you own the book, this video is part of the playlist for in-depth practice. Let’s get started!

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The Universal Encyclopedia Of Scales: mdecks.com/theuniversalencyclopediaofscales.phtml

Piano Arrangements Sheet Music: mdecks.com/pianoscores.phtml
Bebop Rhythmic Words Vol.1: mdecks.com/beboprhythms.phtml
Bebop Lines Vol.1: mdecks.com/beboplines.phtml

Rootless Voicings Vol.1 & 2: mdecks.com/voicings-vol1.phtml
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