The Most Compact Hobby Store! Tour February 2025
Naomi enjoys sharing the current wares of the Canadian retail store, Sword 'n' Steele, back by popular request!
00:00 Introduction
00:50 Space Marines
02:07 Other Imperium (not inc. Knights)
04:08 T'au Empire
04:33 Necrons
05:05 Leagues of Votann
05:15 Adeptus Mechanicus
05:33 Aeldari & Drukhari
06:21 Genestealer Cults
06:31 Tyranids
06:58 Khorne Daemons (some)
07:14 Orks
07:26 Death Guard, World Eaters, Thousand Sons & Chaos Space Marines
08:29 Warhammer 40K Blisters
11:46 Starfinder Models
12:24 Slaves to Darkness, Khorne, & Slaanesh
12:47: Age of Sigmar Death
13:53 Horus Heresy
14:03 Kill Team
14:07 Out of Print Warhammer Boxed Sets (some)
14:43 Battletech
14:50 Aliens Miniatures Game
14:53 Necromunda
15:03 Legions Imperialis
15:14 Warhammer Novels
15:38 Imperial & Chaos Knights
15:52 Stargrave & Frostgrave
16:06 Warmachine & Hordes
16:13 Age of Sigmar Order Part 1 & Destruction (most)
16:49 Underworlds
16:56 Age of Sigmar Part 2
17:12 Lord of the Rings Miniatures
17:21 Blood Bowl
17:31 The Old World
17:48 Battlefield in a Box
18:23 Marvel Crisis Protocol
18:30 Warcry & Out of Print AoS Boxes
18:49 Stormcast Eternals
19:01 Board Games
19:20 Model Kits (Cars/Gundams/Planes/Tanks/Ships)
20:02 Konflikt '47
20:19 Flames of War
20:55 Star Wars Legion
21:59 Bolt Action
22:53 D&D Miniature Kits
23:19 Paints & Diorama Effects
25:45 Hobby Tools & Gamers Grass