
Sleep Meditation for Kids SLEEPING IN THE STARS Bedtime Story for Kids

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Imagine sleeping in the stars with your cosmonaut sloth friend, in this super relaxing sleep meditation for kids and enchanting bedtime story adventure. Children will love relaxing along to this playful, bedtime journey of dreamy discoveries in the soothing reaches of outer space!

With a kind-hearted cosmonaut friend by their side, young ones will be safely guided into dreamy relaxation to explore feeling so very calm, happy and free before sleep 💤 😴

This soothing space quest helps to guide relaxing kids with such a positive bedtime, to build self confidence and believe in themselves, as they explore the moon and stars to their heart's contents. As a guided sleep meditation, this bedtime sleep story will help children fall asleep with ease, into only their happiest and most relaxing dreams. 😴

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Music credits are attributed to - "Dream Frontiers," by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
christopherlloydclarke.com. Licensed by Enlightened Audio.

Thank you so much for listening, we wish you every blessing and infinite peace!

With our love and warmest gratitude, Happy Minds 🙏🏽🌟


Sleep Meditation for Kids SLEEPING IN THE STARS Bedtime Story for Kids
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