PROOF The LEADER of Project Zorgo is DED - Spy Ninjas #231
The Spy Ninjas find evidence of the scammer that stole all of Vy's money! Daniel and Melvin must visit the places that the evil Roblox hacker has been to in order to find out the identity of the scam master. One of the places the scammer has been spending money at is GameStop! The Spy Ninjas gang is chasing after PZ Squire. He got away before he could confront them. Just before they finally reach him, some hackers jump out to fight the Spy Ninjas and the kid hacker gets away. They fight, and the ninjas defeat them. They move on to track down squire.
After confronting PZ Squire about who stole Vy Qwaints money in a Roblox Scam, they found out that ex hackers are gathering for a secret meeting at the old Project Zorgo headquarters, the Black Pyramid! The team decide to investigate what happened to Vy's money and what is really going on at the meeting. Upon investigation, the team find evidence that ex hackers are using Roblox to push some kind of "movement" forward. When they get to the meeting, the spyninjas must go undercover as hackers to sneak into the secret meeting and get Vy's money back. Daniel and Regina stay behind to hack the security systems and guide the team through the pyramid. But even with their help the team find themselves trapped in a Project Zorgo headquarters escape room. During the meeting, the Spy Ninjas discover that they are at a funeral, with special guests PZ Funf and PZ2 leading the event
PZ Squire gave us a hint that a big secret meeting was going on at the top of the Black Pyramid Project Zorgo headquarters! The Spy Ninjas decided to go undercover in disguise as hackers and attend the meeting. It turns out it was a funeral for the PZ leader who was defeated on New Year's Eve in THE END episode! But then the Doppelganger came out and pranked us. The body is missing! They then trapped us in a weird electric fence. We were captured! I need to tell Daniel and Regina we need help! They are at the safe house and don't know our plan failed! My iPhone's texts are broken!
The Spy Ninjas attended the Funeral for the Project Zorgo leader, only to find out it was a trap set up by hackers! Now they're trapped in an electric fence they can't exit from! Doppelganger, PZ Funf, or PZ2 must have been one of the ones to set the trap, but who was it?
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