
Why Does My Channel Suck Right Now? 😅 Channel Update 👍

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Hey, so I have kind of hit a creative wall... along with having almost no motivation right now for some reason. As you might have seen already I have been just making shorts to keep content coming out on my channel over the last couple weeks. I'm happy to hear that some of you really like these seeing that a lot of you are new to the channel and haven't seen all of my videos. Think of the shorts as more or less a trailer or sample of a complete tutorial video that you might have missed.

So right now I need to step back and restructure everything behind the scenes to make things run a bit smoother and so I have less stress on myself. Think of it kind of like your work bench, it starts off clean but after a few projects you have a complete mess and it becomes harder to find things and you become less efficient along with stressed. So it's time for me to do some "Spring Cleaning" and hopefully get some of my drive and creativity back😁👍

I will still have some shorts coming out over the next week or 3 along with some videos that I have already agreed to do in collaboration with some companies but I will not have any new tutorial videos coming out in the near future, unless something inspires me to do one 😅

Thank you everyone that has help support the channel over the years and this last year has been awesome for the channel, growing over 35k subscribers and soon to hit 70k total.

If you are looking for more tools and materials that I use, well you're in luck! I made a page on my website just for that and I'm updating all the time so bookmark it to stay up to date:


If you buy any of the tools or materials from my list I will make a small commission at no extra charge to you and it helps support the channel


If you would like to directly support the channel you can do so in a few different ways.

1. Like, comment and share my videos

2. You can make a one time donation via Paypal of any amount https://www.paypal.me/gomeowcreations

3. You can sign up a monthly donation via my patreon for as little as $1 per month   / gomeowcreations  

4. You can sign up a monthly donation via my Subscribestar for as little as $1 per month https://www.subscribestar.com/gomeowc...

5. Just watching my videos helps out too and I'm happy to see that I have been able to help some may people get into jewelry making.

#jewellerymaking #jewelrymaking #goldmaking #silversmithing #diy #gomeowcreations
