SCP-3459 - Phobia PLAGUE
Dr Bob brings you SCP Foundation EUCLID Class object, SCP-3459 - Phobia PLAGUE Animation.
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SCP-3459 is a strain of bacteria that causes the spontaneous creation of bizarre and nonsensical phobias. Usually, these phobias will appear in a person without them noticing, only realizing once they encounter a situation that triggers the new phobia. SCP 3459 is not known to have any lethal symptoms. The only symptoms besides irrational fear include mild sneezing and coughing. A new phobia can even cause fear in something the individual likes, such as a hobby or career. SCP3459 is contagious, and the specific fear it is causing can be spread from person to person.
Common methods of spreading include discussion of the fear, being near a person experiencing a frightening situation involving said fear, and normal methods of spreading sickness such as sneezing and exchange of bodily fluids. The terror inflicted by SCP-3459 will increase in intensity over time, peaking at approximately half of the expected duration of infection. Following this, the fear will gradually decrease until fully gone. The longest recorded duration of SCP-3459's effects lasted two years. No known method of treatment has yet been discovered for SCP-3459 other than simply waiting for the symptoms to subside on their own.
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This video, being derived from scp-int.wikidot.com/scp-3459 written by Crocket_Lawnchair, is released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Narrated by Joe Cliff Thompson
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