
Alchemy: Relaxing Ambient Sci Fi Music (Atmospheric Background Music for Relaxation & Productivity)

129167 1925________

Fay's feet tapped against the concrete path's surface, drenched by rainfall from the night before. As she approached the Alchemy building, its form came into view through the morning's comforting blanket of dense fog. Her occupation had not been one of glamour but of simplicity, her regrets only formed by the immense distance she now felt from her home planet. "One day I'll have enough money to retire and return home..." she thought longingly. The building's bell tolled to signify the beginning of another work day.

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🎹 I am a full time video game composer. All Futurescapes music is composed originally without the use of AI. Video edits/FX and video descriptions are also created by me, without AI. Only the artwork is generated using Midjourney AI as a creative accompaniment to the music.

🎮 If you are a game developer, I'd love to connect! Feel free to reach out at: brettjanzen.ca

🎧 A collection of Futurescapes music and digital wallpapers are available at: futurescapes-scifiambience.bandcamp.com

✏️ My music is not free to use. For music licensing and other inquiries please contact me at futurescapesambience.com

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