The Truth About Why They Don’t Teach Money in School
Teach your kids the important ideas that schools don't teach with The Tuttle Twins tuttletwins.com/ref/heresy
The public school system as we know it today was intentionally designed and established around the 1900s, marking a departure from the historical norm where children learned skills directly from their parents to survive. While ancient Greece had school systems, they were the exception rather than the rule throughout history.
The current public schooling system entails compulsory, government-mandated education for children of the same age, learning together in an environment that may seem disconnected from their future endeavors.
However, the system's design has a specific intention behind it. Although many people are dissatisfied with the system's performance, understanding its deliberate setup is crucial.
0:00 Introduction
1:17 Prussia Schools for Soldiers
3:11 US Schools for Employees
7:38 U.S. System is Now Failing
10:20 Competition
13:15 Why Money isn’t Taught
15:04 What I’m Doing Instead
18:25 Other Alternatives
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