The Vestigial Urban Flora of Southern Texas
In San Antonio, Texas we inspect a relict plant community that offers us a glimpse into what the Flora of San Antonio may have looked like 150 years ago. the only reason that this plant community still survives is due to the steep Limestone cliff it grows on and the fact that it is sandwiched between to on ramps and a freeway.
Because of its out-of-the-way & undevelop-able nature, the native plants are allowed to thrive and the cities disenfranchised populace is allowed to reside without harassment by City officials or the police.
Plants like Diospyros texana are allowed to thrive, unmolested by ecologically-blind landscapers with poor taste during the summer heat on the thin-soiled limestone, where as the dreaded crepe myrtle might otherwise be planted in their place if this were a maintained landscape in say, am office park or strip mall.
It always blows my mind that cities will scrape their landscapes clean and destroy native plants that easily thrive in the region only to end up planting non-native, horticultural garbage (like crepe myrtles) that are poorly suited to the region, instead.
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Thanks, GFY.