
study with me in the library (night edition) | 1 hour real time, no music

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Get productive with this late-night study session at the library! I usually study at home nowadays, but it can be refreshing to have a change of scenery. I hope this study session is as enjoyable for you as it was for me! Happy studying!

With lots of love,

Ps: let me know if you guys have any requests for videos! :)

1) How do I use "study with me"s?
Treat it as if you're skyping a friend to study! You can position your windows so that you can see the timer, or just leave this video running in one of the tabs on your browser (you'll hear typing sounds from me from time to time). It's up to you! :)

2) What major are you in?
I'm doing a bachelors in business management!

3) What brand is your laptop?
I'm using a 2018 Macbook Pro, 13" with a touch bar. The colour is space grey!

4) What were you studying in this video?
I think I was doing readings + assigned exercises for a communication class the next day! :O

If you enjoyed this video, do subscribe so that you can be notified whenever new vids are out! 🐻 I usually upload "study with me"s every Tuesday at 11pm GMT+8. That's equivalent to 10am in New York; 12pm in São Paulo, Brazil; 3pm in the UK; 4pm in Poland; 6pm in Turkey and Moscow, Russia; and 8.30pm in New Delhi, India.

Keep your momentum going:
• Midnight study with me:    • midnight study with me | real time, n...  
• 2-hour rainy day study with me:    • rainy day study with me [2 hours no b...  
• 3-hour study with me:    • 3 hour study with me | real time, no ...  
• Study with me in the library:    • study with me (in the library!) | rea...  

Bell sound under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Recorded by Daniel Simion, "Service Bell Help".
