
Frontiers in Medicine 2024 | AI in Medicine: Pitfalls and Potential

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AI in Medicine: Pitfalls and Potential
Frontiers in Medicine 2024

Pandora’s box has opened in the form of publicly available generative AI systems—where human versus generated content can no longer be distinguished reliably. How is this new capability reshaping medicine? With a global scarcity of medical providers pitted against the unlimited demand of people in need, AI’s potential to democratize health care knowledge and access is desperately needed. But is it safe? Dr. Chen, part of a new breed of physician-scientist dually trained in medicine and computer science, will illuminate the unique opportunities and pitfalls of AI in medicine and help distinguish reality from fantasy.

Jonathan Chen, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Biomedical Informatics Research and Hospital Medicine Faculty, Clinical Excellence Research Center

Part of Frontiers in Medicine, Stanford Medicine's premier annual event that showcases pioneering breakthroughs in the most promising fields in biosciences and medicine presented by world-class Stanford faculty. Please visit frontiersinmedicine.stanford.edu to learn more.
