Fisherman Hits it OUT OF THE PARK During the Run! Bull Red Run
The bull redfish run is on fire in galveston, the entire gulf coast actually! Surf fishing is hot, pier fishing, inshore fishing, everything! My next few fishing videos are gonna be fire!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/beachbomberfishing
Merch: eliteaffishing.bigcartel.com/
OKUMA Surf Spinning Reel: shrsl.com/3qwlz
Okuma Rockaway Surf reel: shrsl.com/3rrw0
OKUMA Longitude Surf rod: shrsl.com/3rrw7
OKUMA Solaris Surf rod: shrsl.com/3qwmk
3rd coast tackle leaders: www.3rdcoastfishinandtackle.com/products/beach-bom…