
iCloud EXPLAINED! Here's what you need to know!

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There’s a part of the Apple ecosystem that I’ve not touched on in all the years that I’ve been working on this channel, but I get asked about a lot in the comments, and that’s iCloud. It’s something that I reckon we all use every day as Apple users, yet a huge number of people find it really confusing. And to be fair, that’s because Apple make it way more confusing than it needs to be.

So in this video, I’m going to explain what iCloud is, and what it isn’t. I’ll debunk some myths, and try and answer some Frequently Asked Questions, so that hopefully by the end of this video, iCloud will be a tool you can use with confidence, to get the most out of it, rather than be confused by.

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0:00 - Intro
0:37 - What is iCloud?
4:55 - What does iCloud store?
7:05 - Isn't iCloud Drive basically iCloud?
10:56 - What about Shared Photo Albums?
13:11 - What about Backups?
15:17 - Managing iCloud Storage
17:24 - What is iCloud.com?
18:40 - What about iClo
