How to make Bánh Bột Lọc (Vietnamese Steamed Tapioca Dumplings)
Iykyk, this Bánh Bột Lọc is the bane of my existence. 🙂↕️ However, it’s def worth the work.
Bánh Bột Lọc is served 2 ways and personally for me, the restaurants usually don’t do it justice. In my home, our tapioca dumplings are thiccc and juicyyy. Nothing less. 🐷🦐🍄🟫
🔗 Full recipe: https://jenhdao.com/banh-bot-loc
• 1/2 lb pork belly (cut into 1/2” pieces)
• 1/2 lb shrimp (peeled, deveined, chopped)
• 1/2 c woodear mushroom (chopped)
• 1/2 small onion (chopped)
• 2 tsp oyster sauce
• 1 tsp fish sauce
• 1 tsp sugar
• 1 tsp chicken boullion
• 1/4 tsp salt
• 1/2 tsp black pepper
• 1 tsp chili powder (optional)
• 1 tsp sesame oil
• 1 bag/14oz tapioca starch
• 1 1/3 c boiling water
• 1 tsp salt
• 1 pack frozen banana leaves (rinsed and wiped)
• 2-3 tbsp veggie oil
#banhbotloc #tapioca #dumplings #vietfood #vietnamese #steamed #bananaleaf