
Jodha और Akbar की संतान ले लिया जनम | Jodha Akbar | Ep 337 | Zee TV

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In this full episode of Jodha Akbar, Jalal meets the 'hakim', who gives Jalal a medicine and says that if the consumption of the medicine induces nausea, Jodha’s pregnancy will be deemed negative. Salima medicates Jodha as Jalal waits for the results impatiently.

Show Name : Jodha Akbar
Producer/Star Cast : Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar. Rajat Tokas.Jodha Bai. Paridhi Sharma.Ruqaiya Sultan Begum. Lavina Tandon.Maham Anga. Ashwini Kalsekar.Salima Sultan Begum.
Episode No : 337

#JodhaAkbar #zeetv #hinditvserial #JalaluddinMohammadAkbar.RajatTokas.JodhaBai.ParidhiSharma.RuqaiyaSultanBegum.LavinaTandon.MahamAnga.AshwiniKalsekar.SalimaSultanBegum. #entertainment #fullepisode #serial #video #hinditvshow #trending #drama

About Jodha Akbar :

Jodha-Akbar is an epic drama about a sixteenth-century political marriage of convenience between a Mughal Emperor Akbar and a Rajput princess Jodha Bai.

Ep. 337 | Jodha और Akbar की संतान ले लिया जनम | Jodha Akbar | Zee TV

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