
1 hour study with me (ft. moving clouds in window!! ☁️) | library edition

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Managed to get a seat in the library with a really pretty view heheh!! I find it really calming~ Today's video is a brief one, just 1 hour long, but it's a good way to just get started with doing work on days when you don't feel like it :") Happy studying!

Ps: the clouds are moving reaaaaally slowly but they are moving heh!! can see it at 1:00:44 (where it's forwarded), or if you scrub the video from start to end really quickly :")


1) How do I use "study with me"s?
Treat it as if you're skyping a friend to study! You can position your windows so that you can see the timer, or just leave this video running in one of the tabs on your browser (you'll hear typing sounds from me from time to time). It's up to you! :)

2) What major are you in?
I'm doing a bachelors in business management!

3) What brand is your laptop? Desk?
I'm using a 2018 Macbook Pro, 13" with a touch bar. The colour is space grey!
My desk is from IKEA!

4) What were you studying in this video?
Writing an outline for a reflection essay!

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Bell sound under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Recorded by Daniel Simion, "Service Bell Help".
