Making Change Happen: Setting Realistic Health Goals
Leah discusses ways to put an idea into action. She focuses on ways to make goals that you set more realistic and fun while having a positive impact on your health. #healthychanges #goalsetting #improvehealth #sustainablechange #nutrition
Leah Groppo, MS, RD, BC-ADM, CDCES, is a registered dietitian, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, Board Certified in Advanced Diabetes Management with a masters in nutrition. She works with patients to achieve their health goals and focuses on a sustainable lifestyle approach.
This talk is brought to you by Stanford Health Care’s clinical dietitians and Stanford Health Library in honor of National Nutrition Month. Other talks in the series:
• Optimizing Your Gut Health
• Meal Planning: The Recipe for Success!
• Justice for the Snack
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