NEW Space Wolves Praetor and NEW Mk6 Heads for Horus Heresy!
The Wolves have new heads! Also, a new Praetor! Yep, those awful wolfy dog helmets are gone and the Space Wolves have new MK6 helmets.
It's Heresy Thursday again and this week we have TWO new releases for the Space Wolves - a new Praetor in what looks like the new Mk3 armour, and some resin head upgrades which are replacing the previous Mk6 helmets that lets face it, did not go down well with the community.
Interestingly, there's 4 different variants of the helmets rather than 3, so a little bit more variety which I hope the continue with other sets.
Be sure to let me know in the comments what you think of the new Praetor and the new Space Wolf head upgrades, and if you enjoyed the video please let me know by giving it a like.
Also, apologies for the lack of content over the last week - I've been on the Apothecary's table for an operation, and have been recovering this last week so was unable to film any content.
Thanks for watching!
#horusheresy #warhammer #warhammer30k #spacewolves