
Orchestrating better tomorrows | 2024 Stanford Medicine Year-End Video

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As 2024 ends, we celebrate the dedicated community members who work in harmony to bring hope and healing to countless individuals. Thank you for making this community extraordinary. Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a bright New Year!

Special thanks to the accomplished Stanford Medicine Orchestra: med.stanford.edu/smo

#gratitude #holidays #winterbreak #wearestanfordmed #community #medicine #yearinreview
Stanford Medicine advances human health through world-class biomedical research, education and patient care. Bringing together the resources of Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Health Care and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford Medicine is committed to training future leaders in biomedicine and translating the latest discoveries into new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat disease.

The Stanford Medicine YouTube channel is a curated collection of contributions from our School of Medicine departments, divisions, students, and the community. Our diverse content includes coverage of events, presentations, lectures, and associated stories about the people of Stanford Medicine.
