
We Found PARADISE! 1 Week in Boquete, Panama (Best Expat Town)

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Boquete, Panama is a hidden gem in the middle of the Panamanian jungle. Known for being a popular expat town, we spent 1 week exploring this beautiful region. Join us as we hike to waterfalls, venture into a cloud forest, and learn about Panamanian coffee.

💻 Learn more with our Boquete Panama Blog Posts
→🐆 eatseerv.com/hiking-el-pianista-trail/
→🏊🏼‍♂️ eatseerv.com/caldera-hot-springs/
→🥾 eatseerv.com/lost-waterfalls-trail/
→☕️🍫 Learn more about AgroNosotros: link.eatseerv.com/AgroNosotros
→ 🌳 eatseerv.com/10-best-things-to-do-in-boquete-panam…
🏡 Check out the best VRBO stays in Boquete: vrbo.tp.st/WUgGB4dH

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00:00 Intro to Boquete Panama travel vlog
01:11 Hot Springs near Boquete, Panama
03:22 Panamanian cuisine (where and what to eat)
04:05 Coffee plantation tour and coffee tasting in Boquete
09:15 Hiking Los Tres Cascadas Trail in Boquete Panama
11:41 Breakfast + park in Boquete Panama
12:50 El Pianista Trail in Boquete Panama
14:23 Outtakes

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