🔴 Special Events Are Here! (Zelda TOTK Randomizer v0.9.14) [1]
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Special Events are finally here! Experience unique and cool events every now and then! Whether it's lucky events or special challenges - look forward to them! Some special events will last a randomized amount of minutes.
v0.9.14 Update Notes:
KEY FEATURE: Special Events are here! Experience unique and cool events every now and then! Whether it's lucky events or special challenges - look forward to them! Some special events will last a randomized amount of minutes.
Added 1 Randomizer Cycle Option (Special Events).
Added 1 Miscellaneous Option (Motion Sickness - Special Event).
Added 4 Lucky Special Events.
Added 4 Challenge Special Events.
Slightly increased the chance for Bubbul Gems to drop.
Slightly decreased the chance for Gold Rupees to drop.
There is no longer a dialogue in the middle of the screen when collecting Bubbul Gems.
Changed "Gloom Hands can now spawn everywhere" to "Gloom Monsters can now spawn everywhere".
Increased the maximum amount of Master Kohgas to be defeated from 3 to 4 for the special goal in Goal Mode.
The items collected in Proving Grounds Shrines will now be carried over and no longer be cleared upon entering such.
Weapons can now be disabled while being in the Thunder Temple.
Bows will no longer be disabled while being in the Thunder Temple, and if they are, they will be enabled again to avoid temporary softlocks regarding Terminal activation with Riju's thunder ability.
Weapons will no longer be disabled while being in the Water Temple, and if they are, they will be enabled again to avoid temporary softlocks regarding Terminal activation with Sidon's water ability.
The Randomizer Cycle is now triggering events when the units until the next event are less than or equal to 0, instead of only less than 0.
Fixed a bug where any environmental wind current was occurring less often than intended.
General code optimization.
#Zelda #TearsOfTheKingdom #BreathOfTheWild #DLC #TOTK #BOTW