
There's WAY more than 33 Emperor's Children in this army box.

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Games Workshop told us there were 33 models in the new Emperor's Children army box. But how many are there REALLY? I reckon there might be 10, 15 or even TWENTY more marines in this box!

Wanna order your own Emperor's Children army now? Grab them at a discount here:
Hellstorm is POWERED by The Outpost and The Colour Forge!
Discount Warhammer ▶ www.the-outpost.co.uk/aff/159/
The best Spray Primers ▶ thecolourforge.com/?sld=hellstormwargaming

Thanks to @officialwarhammer for the review box! #ad

Cork Sheets: amzn.to/4ioUVgs
Tamiya Thin for spure goo (would recommend 2): amzn.to/41nBf5t
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0:00 start
0:16 whats in the box
1:55 the id
