
Katha's Big Happy Family | Katha Ankahee - Ep 183 | Full Episode | 16 August 2023

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Episode 183: Katha's Big Happy Family
As Aarav had been stuck inside a room that was covered with fire all around. So, Viaan tried to rescue Aarav by risking his own life and later ends up injuring himself. With this one incident the bond between Aarav and Viaan becomes even stronger. After all this incident Viaan realises that Viaan is the right man for Katha.

Show Name: Katha Ankahee
Cast: Adnan Khan, Aditi Dev Sharma, Sheen Dass, Samar Vermani
Director: Ravi Bhushan
Producer: Sujoy Wadhava

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About Katha Ankahee:
Kathaa is a Hindi remake of the superhit Turkish drama '1001 Nights' (Binbir Gece) - Katha Ankahee showcases a repentance love story centered around an unforgettable wound that creates a rift between Katha and Viaan; yet keeping them bound. It discovers the trials of love when an unforgettable incident creates a rift between them while also keeping them bound to each other.

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Katha's Big Happy Family | Katha Ankahee - Ep 183 | Full Episode | 16 August 2023
