
The History of Middle-earth Box Set 1 of 4 - REVIEW

6.1万回視聴・高評価数2270 2270________

Box Set 1
US: amzn.to/3GIPk3O
UK: amzn.to/3NnC2gE

Box Set 2
US: amzn.to/3uQ4cuf
UK: amzn.to/48dYK2M

00:00-00:33 Intro
00:33-02:26 Unboxing the Set
02:26-03:41 Reversible Covers
03:41-04:49 Comparing to Illustrated Editions
04:49-05:42 Comparing to 3-Vol Set
05:42-07:26 Should you buy it?
07:26-08:46 Why Silmarillion & UT?
08:46-11:52 Final Thoughts/Conclusion

#tolkien #historyofmiddleearth #books
