
Baal Veer - Full Episode 329 - 24th June, 2019

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Episode 329: The Truth
Meher thanks Baalveer for saving her and Bharti's life. There are two lok paris who impersonate Meher and Baalveer when they are in the Parilok. But when they come back there are two Meher and two Baalveer. And everyone sees them. Will everyone come to know his truth?

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About Baal Veer:
Bestowed with superpowers by the fairies, Baal Veer fights crime and tips the balance towards good in the battle against evil. When he is not fighting crime, Baal Veer is at school with Manav and Meher. Blessed with the power of the nine fairies, Baal Veer has the ability to transform into a superhero and defeat evil with nine unique powers. The nine fairies reside in another dimension, in a magical place called the Parilok. If there are good fairies, there also ought to be the bad ones. Baal Veer helps safeguard Parilok from the forces of evil, while also protecting humans on Earth. Baal Veer hides his real identity as Ballu and lives with Manav and Meher. His two siblings are not as bold as him, but Baal Veer stands by their side and protects them from three bullies - Montu, Rohit and Keval. Manav and Meher, also blessed with superpowers from the fairies, join Baal Veer as Baal Mitra and Baal Sakhi to defeat the forces of evil.

