
MESBG Tournament VLOG - Can A Warhammer Noob Win?

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In this video Adam launches his 350 point Assault Upon Helm's Deep Legendary Legion against the fell Wellingtonian opponents at the Little Wars tournament.
Thanks to the good people in the New Zealand Middle Earth League for being so awesome.
Also thanks to the legends, Aiden and Liam for organising such a great event!

See how I created my Assault Upon Helm's Deep diorama display here:
   • MESBG Diorama Build - Assault on Helm...  

Check out my other videos here:
   / @dicedrinksanddadjokes  

Music: Mountain Walk by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

This video reviews content from the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game formerly known as Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game and The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game. MESBG is a skirmish style war game developed by Games Workshop, based off the incredible artwork from the three films by Peter Jackson as well as drawing inspiration directly from the books. Players take control of the forces of good and evil and play out epic moments from the Lord of the Rings in anything from small heroes driven scenarios to epic battles utilising hundreds of models. To find out more, head over to www.games-workshop.com

#gamesworkshop #mesbg #warhammer #warhammercommunity #middleearthstrategybattlegame
