
欧洲地理概况——世界地理知识Overview of European Geography - World Geographic Knowledge

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上一期,我们讲了南美洲,本期,带大家了解欧洲。欧洲是亦歌有多个国家组成的洲,也是当今最发达的资本主义国家地区,是现代文明的发源地。当今,很多国家的法制都有欧洲的影响。下一期,大洋洲In the previous issue, we talked about South America. In this issue, we will introduce you to Europe. Europe is a continent composed of multiple countries, and it is also the most developed capitalist region today. It is the birthplace of modern civilization. Today, many countries have European influence on their legal systems. Next issue, Oceania
