
Painting My FIRST Warhammer 40k Army

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I have been painting warhammer for years, but never before I have actually painted an ARMY. Well, at least started one. Today, I'm starting my first army-sisters of battle. Lets talk about why I chose to start with this new kill team, go over painting using army painter speed paints, and how i will change painting my next army in the future.
General Amazon Affiliate Link: amzn.to/406DUPD
Gear (Some of these may be affiliate links):
Iwata HP-CS: amzn.to/3FC4YLq
Infinity Harder Steenbeck 2 in 1: amzn.to/3mKIxQ2
Red Grass Games Everlasting Wet Palette: bit.ly/2V8eTUi
Pro Acryl Paint: monumenthobbies.com/
Vallejo: amzn.to/3BJU2MR
Kimera: scale75usa.com/collections/ki...
Winsor Newton Series 7 Watercolor Brush - Round #1: amzn.to/2n2pQIU
Hobby Holder: gameenvy.net/
Badger Air-Brush Stynylrez Gray Primer: amzn.to/2kgs0DM
Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver amzn.to/2ljRIaL
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Lyla Mev The Mini Witch creates beginner miniature painting tutorials and easy-to-understand guides for Warhammer, dungeons & dragons, and more. My favorite things to paint are sisters of battle, display quality miniatures, and focusing on having fun.
