HORROR _music / DARK ambient/ dark_ weirdcore | silent hill _bootleg
▬Get EXCLUSIVE content on PATREON: www.patreon.com/Sataniclofimusic
►Read [MY] hi-tech angelical Horror comics free !! :www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/mechanical-corp-97-/rea…
♥Buy my music//support me : brandonpiper.bandcamp.com/
▬ I make SOUNDTRACKS for HORROR GAMES ,,you can see more info here: satanic-lofi-corporation.itch/...
▬bhagavad gita as it is : vedabase.io/en/library/bg/2/
▬Play a videogame DESIGN and MUSICALIZED by ME ,,and created & code by Joe Capo HERE :joecapo.itch.io/exo
▬twitter : / satanic_lofi
►Horror_lofi paintings : www.artstation.com/brandonpiper
►Write me at brandonpipercontact@gmail.com for any question//collaboration request or info .
◄↕►Music : Composed//produced// by Brandon Piper
▬IMAGE & DESIGN : Brandon Piper .
All rights of the songs belongs to Brandon Piper (me).
All rights of the ilustrations & design belongs to Brandon Piper (me).
►[ if you want to use my music for something,, ask me first ,,please ]
#darkambient #dreamcore #analoghorror #horrormusic #blackambient #darkaambience #futurecore