Searching for a cure for hearing loss | 90 Seconds w/ Lisa Kim
It’s estimated that one in six people has some form of hearing loss. Among them, is singer-songwriter Paul Simon who checked in at Stanford with Konstantina Stankovic, MD, PhD, to find out about the latest research into the cure and treatment of hearing loss. Stankovic, chair of otolaryngology - head and neck surgery at Stanford Medicine, describes current cutting-edge treatments as Simon shares his personal story of living with hearing loss.
Konstantina Stankovic, MD, PhD, is Bertarelli Foundation Professor and chair of the department of otolaryngology – head and neck surgery at Stanford Medicine. Stankovic has led national and international collaborations to develop and deploy novel molecular diagnostics and therapeutics for hearing loss and has educated tomorrow’s leaders in surgery and science.
Lisa Kim is Senior Manager of Media Relations for Stanford Medicine and Stanford Health Care. Lisa has a deep background in journalism, as she is an Emmy Award-winning journalist who has covered stories on both the national and local levels.
Learn more: stan.md/4fzQqOU
#HearingLoss #HearingResearch #Otolaryngology #PaulSimon #MedicalBreakthroughs #HearingHealth #CuttingEdgeMedicine #HearingLossTreatment #HearingAidTechnology #HealthInnovation #MedicalResearch #StanfordMedicine #StanfordHealthCare
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