SPY NINJAS CRUSHED! - Spy Ninjas #146
The Spy Ninjas must battle royale PZ9, PZ44, PZ313, and the Devster before they can get out of the PZ Headquarters. After defeating their hacker foes, the Spy Ninjas fall into yet another trap by PZ9! It's time for answers so Daniel throws on his special white shirt and gives PZ9 a lie detector test. This will finally determine if he's truly evil, if he remembers where the safe house is, and if he really wants to rejoin the Spy Ninjas!
The Spy Ninjas get trapped inside a trash compactor and the walls are closing in about to squish them! The PZ leader is in control of the walls and tells them if they can get the correct answer to questions, they will not be crushed. Will the Spy Ninjas have to reveal the safe house location in order to survive? Maybe they can find another way out using tools they find among the trash.
The Spy Ninjas are found by PZ9, the mysterious cloaked hacker, and PZ44. The hackers don't want to let their Spy Ninja prisoners go free, so they battle royale. The Spy Ninjas were defeated! But oddly, the cloaked hacker left behind an unusual flash drive. The Spy Ninjas return to the safe house to investigate. They found an old video of PZ9 Melvin explaining that he has an important message on his face that can help defeat Project Zorgo. Regina thinks she saw it, but can't quite remember what it looked like. She describes it to her fellow Spy Ninjas who sketch it in a drawing competition.
▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website - www.spyninjas.net/
▶ SPY NINJAS GADGETS - spyninjasgadgets.com/
▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merch - www.spyninjasstore.com/
▶ SPY NINJA Mobile App Game - spyninja.page.link/cwcyoutube
▶ Spy Ninjas Discord: discord.gg/q2NvK9zMzm