
Dr. SaxLove • 1,000,000 Subscribers!!!! ❤️ We love our listeners! Thank you so much!

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Wow ... 1,000,000 subscribers! We are amazed and humbled and eternally grateful and filled with love for you, our listeners! Thank you so much! We love you! ❤️

► Subscribe to Dr. SaxLove: bit.ly/2s0tLE4
► Reach out to Dr. SaxLove: drsaxlove.com/contact
► Get the backing tracks: backingtracks.pro/

🎧 1,000,000 Subscribers Playlist 🎧

00:00 Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now
05:35 Ain't No Mountain High Enough
09:15 All Night Long
14:14 What Does It Take?
19:48 Let's Stay Together
24:04 Imagine
28:26 Saxobamarama*
32:50 Sax Tapestry*
37:48 Thank You Falletin' Me Be Mice Elf (Again)
43:16 I Heard It Through The Grapevine
48:01 Papa's Gotta Brand New Bag
54:16 Planet Groove*
59:01 Dr. Saxophone At Your Service*
1:03:28 Mr. Simon's Story*
1:08:13 Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now

*composed by Dr. SaxLove


Dr. SaxLove specializes in smooth jazz, jazz music, smooth jazz instrumental, soft jazz, Motown jazz, jazz blues, jazz saxophone, and saxophone jazz. His music is optimized for relaxation, studying, dinner music, sensual moments, and any time chill out saxophone music is desired.


©️2023 by SaxLove Productions, Inc. Reuse of audio/video not permitted without express permissio
