I Didn’t Know This Creature Existed… 02
02 - I can't believe I found it... This is a new 1.17 Minecraft mob, that's super rare! Road to 1000 days, episode 2!
Subscribe and you'll find a Red Glow Squid!
This is a Minecraft Hardcore 1.17 Survival series. I've never played 1.17.1 Minecraft before, so this will be interesting! I will attempt to survive 100 days, 200 days, 300 days, ... in Minecraft Hard Mode all the way to 1000 days. This is survival singleplayer java minecraft. I have only one world, and if I die it's all over. That's how Hard core minecraft works. Hopefully I can get as far as Loony or Philza Minecraft got, or maybe LukeTheNotable or Wadzee. These guys are legends at hardcore MC.
#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #SurvivalMinecraft