Inside "AI explodes" | Stanford Medicine Magazine
Stanford Medicine magazine's "AI explodes" explores the challenges and promise of artificial intelligence for medical care, research and education.
Read the full issue: stanmed.stanford.edu/2023Issue3
Photographs by Timothy Archibald, Carolyn Fong, Misha Gravenor, Drew Kelly, Ananya Navale, Lu Ren, Leslie Williamson and Joseph Wu
Illustrations by Harry Campbell, Juan Bernabeu, John Hersey, Zhi Huang and Bryce Wymer
Stanford Medicine advances human health through world-class biomedical research, education and patient care. Bringing together the resources of Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Health Care and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford Medicine is committed to training future leaders in biomedicine and translating the latest discoveries into new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat disease.
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