Frontiers in Medicine 2024 | Precision Mental Health: Personalizing Treatments
Precision Mental Health: Personalizing Treatments
Frontiers in Medicine 2024
witnessing the advent of precision mental health—the ability to
connect patients with the appropriate treatment for their specific
condition using advances in neuroscience and technology.
Dr. Williams will share how her team is using AI-assisted rapid
pattern analysis of large functional MRI datasets to link brain
activity with mental health symptoms, uncovering the root causes
and distinct subtypes of depression and anxiety disorders. The
results of this work have been transformative, enhancing the
speed and accuracy of diagnoses and significantly improving
treatment outcomes, doubling the rate of early patient recovery.
Leanne Williams, PhD
Vincent V.C. Woo Professor,
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Director, Stanford Center for Precision Mental
Health and Wellness
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