
Fantastic Feature...at a cost - PS Portal Cloud Streaming Review

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Sony's new PlayStation Portal Cloud Streaming feature could be exactly what the device needs to give it a new lease of life.

When originally released a year ago, the PlayStation Portal was a handheld gaming device which allowed you to cloud stream from your PS5 console via PlayStation Remote Play. Recently released in Beta is a new feature which allows you to stream games straight to your PlayStation Portal handheld without the need for a PS5 console.

My initial review of the PlayStation Portal left me quite disappointed, with the device picking up just two stars. While it did what it needed to do, I couldn't see its use case considering you could use PlayStation Remote Play on your mobile phone but thanks to this new addition that could be subject to change.

Buy a PlayStation 5 Portal Remote Player here:
UK: fave.co/3PDN6a3 (Very)
US: fave.co/4anW5pA (Best Buy)

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