Pier Fishing For Redfish | Galveston Fishing Pier
Galveston Fishing Texas pier Fishing for redfish | Pier FIshing| The redfish are at the pier, jetties, and the surf | galveston fishing pier . A cool front hit the Texas Coast this week, well it riled up the reds. Took an overnight fishing trip to the local pier to try to beat the current tourney score which is a 44in, well didnt beat it, but I did land some big bull reds in the 4 inch range. That night over 8 bull redfish were landed within a 4 hour period.
Lure is actually an h20 xpress rattlin T which is similar to a ratltrap.
Spin setup:
Shimano Spheros 8000
Rod: Daiwa Coastal Sp Surf Rod
Surf Casting Setup
Reel: Daiwa Saltist 20
Rod: Fishing Tackle Unlimited 9ft surfisher
texas fishing inshore fishing redfish fishing saltwater fishing