
The Deadly Companions | Maureen O'Hara | Western | English

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The Deadly Companions - An ex-army officer accidentally kills a woman's son and tries to make up for it by escorting the funeral procession through dangerous Indian territory.

The Deadly Companions (1961)
Director: Sam Peckinpah
Writers: Albert Sidney Fleischman (screenplay) (as A.S. Fleischman), Albert Sidney Fleischman (novel) (as A.S. Fleischman)
Stars: Maureen O'Hara, Brian Keith, Steve Cochran
Genres: Adventure | Western
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 10 July 1962 (West Germany)
Also Known As: New Mexico
Filming Locations: Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USA

The Civil War Yankee sergeant Yellowleg saves the cheater Turkey from hanging after a card game, and together with Turk's gunslinger buddy Billy Keplinger, they ride together to Gila City with the intention of heisting a bank. When other bandits rob a store, Yellowleg shoots at the outlaws and accidentally kills the son of the cabaret dancer Kit Tilden and the grieving woman decides to bury her son in the town of Siringo in Apache country where her husband is buried. Yellowleg Enlists Billy and Turkey to escort Kitty and the coffin through the dangerous land.

"Peckinpah's first feature film is an understated, yet solid, Western. The film stars Brian Keith (who had worked with Peckinpah on The Westerner television series) as "Yellowleg", a gunman who escorts a dancehall girl (O'Hara) across the desert in order to bury her recently deceased son alongside the boy's father. Their journey is complicated by unfriendly Indians as well as Yellowleg's treacherous partners (played by Chill Wills and Steve Cochran). This movie has an excellent cast, beautiful scenery and a good story. Although Sam Peckinpah declared himself dissatisfied, "L'office des communications sociales du Canada" gave this movie a (3) rate, which means "very good". That's perfectly just. Unfortunately, it's not disponible on video. But sometimes it's diffused on TV. Just last night, the CFCF channel showed this film and so I taped it. So if ever you see this movie, don't miss it." Written by Mort-13 on IMDb.com

"It's time this movie took its rightful place in Peckinpah's career. Some discussions of the director don't even mention it, and I suspect that's partly because of its relative unavailability. At least it needs to be seen before making generalizations about his treatment of women, as O'Hara's character is his only strong dramatic female character (echoed later by Stella Stevens' good-time gal in the whimsical Ballad of Cable Hogue). It also shows his gentle, lyrical side in a serious context, which is an important counterweight to the brutality he's famous for. And it might provide a point of entry for those who otherwise find his work off-putting." Written by princehal on IMDb.com

Also Known As (AKA):
Austria: Gefährten des Todes
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title): Смъртоносна компания
Brazil: O Homem Que eu Devia Odiar
Brazil (reissue title): Parceiros da Morte
Canada (English title): The Deadly Companions
Denmark: Hævneren fra Gila City
Spain: Compañeros mortales
Finland: Preerian laki
Finland (Swedish title): Präriens lag
France (literal title): Les compagnons de la mort
France: New Mexico
Greece: Ehthroi mehri thanatou
Greece: Εχθροί Μέχρι Θανάτου
Italy: La morte cavalca a Rio Bravo
Mexico: Obsesión de venganza
Poland: Niebezpieczni kompani
Portugal: Companheiros da Morte
Romania: Companionii mortali
Sweden: Hämnaren från Gila City
Soviet Union (Russian title): Опасные попутчики
USA (reissue title): Trigger Happy
Venezuela: La muerte cabalga en Río Bravo
Germany: Gefährten des Todes


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