
魔笛人, 雙語兒童故事, 聽故事學英文, The Pied Piper, Learn English through Story, 親子英語對話, 英語童話, 兒童英語,儿童英语,少儿英语,睡前故事

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❤️ Join us for a magical bedtime story in both English and Chinese with "The Pied Piper"! This video is specially designed for children learning English, featuring simple and clear language to enhance listening and comprehension skills. We bring to life the enchanting story of "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" in both languages, perfect for bilingual families or young learners.
After the story, enjoy a touching conversation between a mom and her child, discussing the story's lessons in both English and Chinese. This is not just a story; it's an educational journey for your child to improve their English while enjoying a classic tale. Ideal for bedtime or family storytime!

❤️ '魔笛人'的 中英雙語兒童故事,非常適合家庭親子活動或英語學習者。這個視頻專為學習英語的孩子們設計,使用簡單清晰的中英語言,幫助提高聽力和理解能力。
故事結束後,媽媽和孩子用英文和中文討論故事。這不僅僅是一個故事;這是您孩子提高英語能力 的教育之旅,同時學習如何做一個有良好行為的人。非常適合睡前或家庭故事時間!

❤️ Contents | 主要內容:
00:00:00 - Introduction | 開場介紹
00:02:43 - The Pied Piper | 魔笛人, 聽故事學英文, 通過語境豐富詞彙
00:30:18 - Discussion between mon and kid | 母子中英雙語對話互動討論
▶ 訂閱我的 《沉浸式英語懶人學習法》 口語跟讀視頻:

開口說 - @English-Kickoff
   / @english-kickoff  

A. Learn English through Story | 聽故事, 學英語, 中英雙語互動學習視頻:

Mulan: The Legend of the Woman Warrior
《兒童故事-1: 花木蘭》
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The Loyal Hachi
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The Chinese Zodiac Legend
《兒童故事-3: 十二生肖的傳說》
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The Sword in the Stone
《兒童故事-4: 石中劍-亞瑟王傳說》
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The Pied Piper
《兒童故事-5: 魔笛人》
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100 Daily Use English Conversations for Mother & Child
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Fun English Conversations for Kids in School
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School Activities Conversation, Kids in School
《兒童英語100句-2》 學校生活
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B. 生活英語視頻:

Ordering Fast Food at McDonald's
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Restaurant English
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200 Dialogues for Dating
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At the Airport-1:
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At the Airport-2:
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C. 職場英語學習視頻:

200 Office Vocabulary Words
《辦公室-1: 200 個英語詞彙》
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200 Office English Conversation Dialogues
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At Office: Meeting English
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