
Quantum Computing Explained: 20 Ways It Will Affect EVERYONE

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00:06 1. Quantum AI Will Become A Reality
04:03 2. We Could Cure Cancer And Other Major Diseases
08:31 3. We Will Speed The Development Of Fusion Power
13:38 Brilliant
14:59 4. We Could Solve The Biggest Mysteries Of The Universe
20:01 5. Radical Life Extension Could Become A Reality
24:00 6. The Quantum Internet Could Become A Reality
28:23 7. Human Brain Simulations Could Become A Reality
31:11 8. Room-Temperature Superconductors Could Become A Reality
35:44 9. We Will Dramatically Increase Battery Performance
40:18 10. We Could Have Unbreakable Encryption
44:33 11. We Could Reverse Climate Change
47:31 12. Exotic Materials Could Become Possible
51:49 13. We Could Predict Natural Disasters Before They Happen
56:16 14. Artificial Photosynthesis Will Become A Reality
01:00:52 15. We Could Create Hyper-Realistic Virtual Environments
01:05:40 16. Synthetic Biology Will Become A Reality
01:09:27 17. We Will Gain New Financial Modeling Capabilities
01:14:13 18. Logistics And Transportation Will Become Dramatically Cheaper
01:19:12 19. We Will Manage Smart Grids More Efficiently
01:22:51 20. Interstellar Travel Would Become Much Easier


Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything - Michio Kaku: amzn.to/3T5VWzz

💡 Future Business Tech explores AI, emerging technologies, and future technologies.



In this video, we explore 20 ways that quantum computing will change the world. Other related terms: ai, artificial intelligence, future business tech, future technology, future tech, future business technologies, future technologies, etc.

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